We always need material help
Here is the list of ways you can help us:
Animal supplies
- Dog or cat canned food (preferably pâté style)
- Linen and blankets (except for contour sheets)
- Cat toys
- Stimulating toys for dogs
- Stainless steel bowls (non-flipping type)
- Dog pillows, Kuranda type for the list https://shelterbeds.org/index.php?route=events/events_view&event_id=391975&akey=391975
- Raw-hide bones for dogs
- Hypo-allergenic goodies for dogs
- Goodies for cats and dogs
- Pet carriers for cats
- Peanut butter
General supplies
- Stationery (paper, pens, dry-erase markers, etc.)
- Cleaning products
- Tie-wraps