
We currently have about 20 full-time and part-time employees who look after our sheltered animals and proceed with adoptions. We have adoption advisors, veterinarians, health technicians, behaviour specialist, patrol inspectors who apply the various municipal by-laws for pets and some accredited by the Provincial Government – MAPAQ for the animal well-being legislation. All of these people work with the health and well-being of animals in mind.

We can also count on numerous volunteers who lend a helping hand but also spread more TLC to our animals.

The Board of Directors comprises people from various walks of life, each representing a certain expertise or a network of people in their area of activities.

Finally, the SPCA Laurentides-Labelle is part of a large North-American network of rescue organizations. These partners get involved finding a home for more difficult cases and assist when we are faced with major rescue operations.


Who are these people that, each and every day, contribute to the mission of the SPCA Laurentides-Labelle? 


Alexandre joined our team in 2019. He began as an inspector for the enforcement of municipal regulations on animal control management. He works in close collaboration with the citizens of the 15 municipalities that we serve.

Loving challenges and adrenaline-fuelled, he is now also an inspector for the enforcement of the provincial law on animal health and welfare. This new role has allowed him to develop his ability to handle difficult situations and we are very proud of him.

With his strong team spirit and infectious good humour, he was promoted to team leader of the inspection department.

We appreciate him for the quality of his work, his ease of communication and his empathetic nature, amongst others.

Since one challenge doesn’t necessarily wait for the next, he is just now completing an extensive training course in canine behaviour with Marine Cassoret Ph. D Ethologist. This training is an additional asset which will help him make progress within our organization.

Alex avec un chien



Alice has been part of our team since 2019. She’s an adoption counsellor andand a specialist in feline well-being. Her great passion for cats, among others, and her desire to help them are unparalleled. She’s always ready and never hesitates to give her all when an animal is in need. So much so that many animals have even ended up in her home as fosters, so that she can watch them more closely.

We are very grateful for her daily involvement. We appreciate her for the quality of her customer service, the excellent care and love she lavishes on the residents every day, but also for the sensitive woman that she is. Alice is the most qualified to properly introduce the cats to potential families!

Alice is also responsible for the foster families. This responsibility requires a lot of work, especially in the spring with the abundance of pregnant cats and orphaned kittens.

She has to act quickly to find them a foster family, as the shelter is not a suitable location for them.

Alice avec orphelin



Cinthia has a diploma as an animal health technician and has been working at the shelter since 2017. Her versatility and her great curiosity make her excel in everything she does. She is an energetic young woman who is much appreciated for her good humour, her helpfulness and her solutions.

She works closely with our veterinarians by assisting them in our surgery room.  She also looks after all the animals that need care until they are fully recovered.

Always eager to learn new things, Cinthia will soon begin training to sport another hat within our organization, as an inspector for the enforcement of the provincial law B3.1 on animal welfare. This new challenge will be accomplished without sacrificing her work with the animals of the shelter. We are thrilled to have her on board.



